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Titulli i temes : Addons BaseBuilder 2016

Tema tek 'Shporta' e hapur nga Mr.Patr1k, 17 Janar 2016.

Statusi i temës:
Temë e mbyllur. Nuk mund të postoni.
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  1. Mr.Patr1k

    Mr.Patr1k Nëntoger

    17 Janar 2016
    Pëlqime të marrura:
    Titulli i temes : Addons BaseBuilder By Mr.Patr1k
    Per Ti instaluar Addonsat Kliko Free Download Respect By Mr.Patr1k

    Qdo Problem Rreth Addonsav facebook.com/zmkosova
    Moda : BaseBuilder 2016
    Addons Gjithsej permbajn vetem 3 moda

    Versioni : v6.5
    Autori : Mr.Patr1k
    Addons Created By Mr.Patr1k

    Lista Pluginsa-v
    AdminPrefixes.amxx ; Sherben Per Prefix
    Admin_Freelok.amxx ; Sherben per FreeLok (Only Deads)
    agm.amxx ; Dergon Pare Me Comand
    vipshop ; Usiguron Vipav Nje menu Te Veqant
    xSigurimi ; Siguron Serverin Nga Xfaket
    Fotot Nga Serveri
    Foto e Pare :
    Foto e Dyte :
    Foto e Trete :http://prntscr.com/9rccp6
    Permban Komandat :
    - CVARS -
    bb_buildtime "150" // Build Time

    bb_preptime "30" // Prep Time (0 will disable phase)

    bb_zombie_respawn_delay "3" // Zombie Respawn Delay (in seconds)

    bb_infection_respawn "5" // Survivor Respawn Infection Delay (in seconds), set to 0 for no respawn

    bb_showmovers "1" // Show last movers on objects

    bb_lockblocks "1" // Lock blocks <0/1>, see lock blocks

    bb_lockmax "25" // Lock max

    bb_colormode "1" //Color mode <0/1/2> Menu, one color per player, random

    bb_max_move_dist "768" // Push ceiling

    bb_min_move_dist "32" // Pull floor

    bb_min_dist_set "64" // Grab set (if they grab object that's too close, how far to set distance)

    bb_resetblocks "1" // Reset blocks on new round

    bb_zombie_supercut "0" //One hit kill for zombies

    bb_gunsmenu "1" //Use the internal guns menu, or have another plugin handle it

    bb_roundnades <h> // Nades to give on gun selection "h = HE", "f = Flashbang" "s = Smoke"
    +use = grabs selected object while pressed (+grab works for older users)
    /guns = Opens the guns menu (CTs can change guns until build time is up)
    /respawn = Zombie command to respawn (to fix bad spawning or stick)
    /fixspawn = Respawns survivor during build phase (fixes if they stick themselves)
    /help = Displays help HUD
    /rules = Displays rules HUD
    /round = Displays current round (ex. Round 3 of 4)

    - Commands -
    /respawn, /revive, /fixspawn = Respawn yourself manually
    /class = Opens the classes menu
    /lock, /claim = Locks/unlocks objects
    /whois <color> = Displays who is currently using a specified color (Tirant is using Red)
    /colors = Opens the colors menu (according to CVAR)
    /mycolor = Returns what your current color is
    /random = Selects for you a new color that is chosen randomly
    /guns = Opens the guns menu for yourself

    - Admin Commands -
    /releasezombies = Manually starts the round
    /guns <target> = Opens the guns menu for specified player
    /swap <player> = Swaps specified player's team
    /revive <player> = Revives specified specified player
    /ban <player> = Build bans/unbans specified player from building

    bb_buildban <player> //Bans/unbans specified player
    bb_unbuildban <player> //Bans/unbans specified player
    bb_bban <player> //Bans/unbans specified player

    bb_lock //Locks/unlocks object looking at
    bb_claim //Locks/unlocks object looking at

    bb_revive <player> // Revives a dead player back to life
    bb_swap <player> // Switches the player to the opposite team (and respawns them, no death counted)
    bb_startround // Starts the round early (ends build phase)
  2. Mr.Patr1k

    Mr.Patr1k Nëntoger

    17 Janar 2016
    Pëlqime të marrura:
    Titulli i temes : Addons BaseBuilder By Mr.Patr1k
    Per Ti instaluar Addonsat Kliko Free Download Respect By Mr.Patr1k

    Qdo Problem Rreth Addonsav facebook.com/zmkosova
    Moda : BaseBuilder 2016
    Addons Gjithsej permbajn vetem 3 moda

    Versioni : v6.5
    Autori : Mr.Patr1k
    Addons Created By Mr.Patr1k

    Lista Pluginsa-v
    AdminPrefixes.amxx ; Sherben Per Prefix
    Admin_Freelok.amxx ; Sherben per FreeLok (Only Deads)
    agm.amxx ; Dergon Pare Me Comand
    vipshop ; Usiguron Vipav Nje menu Te Veqant
    xSigurimi ; Siguron Serverin Nga Xfaket
    Fotot Nga Serveri
    Foto e Pare :
    Foto e Dyte :
    Foto e Trete :http://prntscr.com/9rccp6
    Permban Komandat :
    - CVARS -
    bb_buildtime "150" // Build Time

    bb_preptime "30" // Prep Time (0 will disable phase)

    bb_zombie_respawn_delay "3" // Zombie Respawn Delay (in seconds)

    bb_infection_respawn "5" // Survivor Respawn Infection Delay (in seconds), set to 0 for no respawn

    bb_showmovers "1" // Show last movers on objects

    bb_lockblocks "1" // Lock blocks <0/1>, see lock blocks

    bb_lockmax "25" // Lock max

    bb_colormode "1" //Color mode <0/1/2> Menu, one color per player, random

    bb_max_move_dist "768" // Push ceiling

    bb_min_move_dist "32" // Pull floor

    bb_min_dist_set "64" // Grab set (if they grab object that's too close, how far to set distance)

    bb_resetblocks "1" // Reset blocks on new round

    bb_zombie_supercut "0" //One hit kill for zombies

    bb_gunsmenu "1" //Use the internal guns menu, or have another plugin handle it

    bb_roundnades <h> // Nades to give on gun selection "h = HE", "f = Flashbang" "s = Smoke"
    +use = grabs selected object while pressed (+grab works for older users)
    /guns = Opens the guns menu (CTs can change guns until build time is up)
    /respawn = Zombie command to respawn (to fix bad spawning or stick)
    /fixspawn = Respawns survivor during build phase (fixes if they stick themselves)
    /help = Displays help HUD
    /rules = Displays rules HUD
    /round = Displays current round (ex. Round 3 of 4)

    - Commands -
    /respawn, /revive, /fixspawn = Respawn yourself manually
    /class = Opens the classes menu
    /lock, /claim = Locks/unlocks objects
    /whois <color> = Displays who is currently using a specified color (Tirant is using Red)
    /colors = Opens the colors menu (according to CVAR)
    /mycolor = Returns what your current color is
    /random = Selects for you a new color that is chosen randomly
    /guns = Opens the guns menu for yourself

    - Admin Commands -
    /releasezombies = Manually starts the round
    /guns <target> = Opens the guns menu for specified player
    /swap <player> = Swaps specified player's team
    /revive <player> = Revives specified specified player
    /ban <player> = Build bans/unbans specified player from building

    bb_buildban <player> //Bans/unbans specified player
    bb_unbuildban <player> //Bans/unbans specified player
    bb_bban <player> //Bans/unbans specified player

    bb_lock //Locks/unlocks object looking at
    bb_claim //Locks/unlocks object looking at

    bb_revive <player> // Revives a dead player back to life
    bb_swap <player> // Switches the player to the opposite team (and respawns them, no death counted)
    bb_startround // Starts the round early (ends build phase)
  3. AnGeL.

    AnGeL. Kapiten

    17 Janar 2015
    Pëlqime të marrura:
    GJ shum i kom kerku kto ;)
  4. Mr.Patr1k

    Mr.Patr1k Nëntoger

    17 Janar 2016
    Pëlqime të marrura:
    Epo vet i kam kriju jam lodh
  5. Lem Rehat

    Lem Rehat Leitenant

    14 Mars 2015
    Pëlqime të marrura:
    Shum tmira kshu vazhdo
    Suksese ;)
  6. Mr.Patr1k

    Mr.Patr1k Nëntoger

    17 Janar 2016
    Pëlqime të marrura:
    @Lem Rehat flm braq
    @Lem Rehat flm braq

    Staff Member Administrator

    31 Janar 2011
    Pëlqime të marrura:
    merr shembull prej topicut tem:
    pra qysh e kom postu un qashtu me ngjyra me kejt bone edhe ti, se e ki mshtjell kit topic. qe don gatshem qe:
    [size=83]- [b][color=#808000]Titulli i Temes:[/b][/color] Ad-dons Zombie, Ad-dons Furien, Ad-dons ClanWar... ps: [i]([color=#808000]Ad-dons ZombiePlague 5.0[/color])[/i]
    - Nuk lejohet në titull by [color=#808000]X Person[/color]
    - Nuk lejohet në titull të shënohet [i][color=#808000]Linux[/color][/i] ose [i][color=#808000]Windows[/color][/i]
    - Nuk lejohet në titull të tregohet verzioni apo ndonjë shkrim tjeter është jasht rregullave të postimit.[/size]
    [size=83]- [b][color=#808000]Përshkrimi:[/color][/b] Çfarë është Ad-donsi juaj, dhe qfarë ka në të, modifikimet, maps, models, etj...
    - Modat Aktive
    - Moda I (psh: AmxModX)
    - Moda II (psh: Metamod)
    - Moda III (psh: Dproto)
    - Për ([color=#808000]Linux dhe Windows[/color])[/size]
    [size=83]- [b][color=#808000]Verzioni:[/color][/b] V1.0, V2, V1.5 et...
    - [color=#808000][b]Autori:[/color][/b] ([i]I këtij Ad-donsi[/i]).
    - [b][color=#808000]Lista Plugins-av:[/color][/b] Ju duhet të paraqisni plugins-at tuja shtesa (pa bazë)
    - [color=#808000]Plugin1[/color] ; Për cfarë shërben
    - [color=#808000]Plugin2[/color] ; Për cfarë shërben
    - [color=#808000]Plugin3[/color] ; Për cfarë shërben
    - [color=#808000]Plugin4[/color] ; Për cfarë shërben[/size]
    [size=83]- [b][color=#808000]Fotoja:[/color][/b] ( Jo e detyrueshme )
    - Posto një foto për prezantimin më të detajuar të këtij Ad-donsi. [url]http://prntscr.com/[/url] (ngarkoni këtu)[/size]
    [size=83]- [b][color=#808000]Shkarkimi, kujdes![/color][/b][/size]
  8. Mr.Patr1k

    Mr.Patr1k Nëntoger

    17 Janar 2016
    Pëlqime të marrura:
    FLm shum @BR3ACKER Qe sa i kam lyp qito
Statusi i temës:
Temë e mbyllur. Nuk mund të postoni.

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